633 research outputs found

    Liminaire. Devenir de l’esthétique théâtrale

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    Écologie des populations d’aulne vert (Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh) à la limite des forêts, Québec nordique

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    Des populations d'aulne vert (Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh) de la région de la rivière aux Feuilles (58°15' N, 72° O) sont particulièrement bien développées sur les versants bien drainés exposés au sud et situés au-delà de la limite locale des forêts. Ces populations correspondent à une importante expansion de l'espèce surtout au cours du XXe siècle, entre 1920 et 1960. L'essentiel des populations d'aulne vert sont apparues après 1920, à la suite de la germination des graines sur les plaques de sol nu d'origine périglaciaire (ostioles, traînées de gélifluction, etc.). Au cours de la succession, la végétation lichénique et arbustive rase d'origine s'est graduellement transformée, en quelques décennies, en une végétation clairsemée de sous-bois sous le contrôle d'une épaisse litière produite par l'aulne. Le développement graduel des populations d'aulne a aussi causé des changements sensibles dans les sols de ces milieux: épaississement de l'horizon organique à la suite de fortes accumulations de feuilles d'aulne, augmentation du pourcentage de la matière organique, diminution du rapport C/N, augmentation de la CEC, des bases totales et du contenu en azote, et diminution du pH. Au cours de cette séquence évolutive, la régénération végétative devient virtuellement le seul mode de reproduction de l'aulne. Cette situation de l'aulne vert à la rivière aux Feuilles a été retrouvée ailleurs dans l'ensemble de l'Hémi-arctique et indique 1) que l'espèce répond aux changements climatiques qui caractérisent cet important biome de la péninsule du Québec-Labrador et 2) que le phénomène est général dans cette région et mérite ainsi d'être étudié plus en détail pour des fins d'interprétation paléoécologique et palynologique. Département de phytologie et CentrePopulations of green alder (Alnus crispa (Ait.) Pursh) growing on south-facing and well-drained terraces in the Rivière aux Feuilles area (Northern Québec: 58°15' N, 72° W), located above the local forest line, present a disjunct distribution, isolated from the well-established alder stands found along the river. These populations are the result of an important range expansion of the species in the XXth century, during a warmer period between 1920 and 1960. Most of alder stands appeared after 1920, under suitable seed germination conditions on periglacial barren soils (frost boils, gélifluction lobes, etc.). During succession, the initial low shrub-lichenic vegetation gradually changed, within a few decades, into a scarce under canopy vegetation controlled by the thick litter produced by alder. The gradual development of alder populations has also caused important changes in soil properties: thickening of the organic horizon related to strong alder litter accumulation, increase of organic matter, CEC, total bases and N, and lowering of C/N ratio and pH. Vegetative regeneration is virtually the only reproductive mode for alder, since germination conditions changed drastically during the successionnal process. Similar situations in such alder populations have been observed elsewhere in the Hemi-arctic, and indicate 1) that green alder responds directly to climatic changes in this major biota of the Québec-Labrador peninsula, and 2) that it represents a general phenomenon for which there is a need for more detailed studies, in particular for paleoecological and palynological purposes

    Power of three multitrait methods for QTL detection in crossbred populations

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    The multitrait detections of QTL applied to a mixture of full- and half-sib families require specific strategies. Indeed, the number of parameters estimated by the multivariate methods is excessive compared with the size of the population. Thus, only multitrait methods based on a univariate analysis of a linear combination (LC) of the traits can be extensively performed. We compared three strategies to obtain the LC of the traits. Two linear transformations were performed on the overall population. The last one was performed within each half-sib family. Their powers were compared on simulated data depending on the frequency of the two QTL alleles in each of the grand parental populations of an intercross design. The transformations from the whole population did not lead to a large loss of power even though the frequency of the QTL alleles was similar in the two grand parental populations. In these cases, applying the within-sire family transformation improved the detection when the number of progeny per sire was greater than 100

    Methods for the detection of multiple linked QTL applied to a mixture of full and half sib families

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    A new multiple trait strategy based on discriminant analysis was studied for efficient detection of linked QTL in outbred sib families, in comparison with a multivariate likelihood technique. The discriminant analysis technique describes the segregation of a linear combination of the traits in a univariate likelihood. This combination is calculated for each pair of positions depending on the inheritance of the pairs of QTL haplotypes in the progeny. The gains in power and accuracy for position estimations of multiple trait methods in grid searches were evaluated in reference to single trait detections of linked QTL. The methods were applied to simulated designs with two correlated traits submitted to various effects from the linked QTL. Multiple trait strategies were generally more powerful and accurate than the single trait technique. Linked QTL were distinguished when they were separated enough to identify informative recombinations: at least two genetic markers and 25 cM between the QTL under the simulated conditions. Except in a particular case, discriminant analysis was at least as powerful as the multivariate technique and its implementation was five times faster. Combining the advantages from both methodologies, we finally propose a complete strategy for rapid and efficient systematic multivariate detections in outbred populations

    Using haplotypes for the prediction of allelic identity to fine-map QTL: characterization and properties

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    Numerous methods have been developed over the last decade to predict allelic identity at unobserved loci between pairs of chromosome segments along the genome. These loci are often unobserved positions tested for the presence of quantitative trait loci (QTL). The main objective of this study was to understand from a theoretical standpoint the relation between linkage disequilibrium (LD) and allelic identity prediction when using haplotypes for fine mapping of QTL. In addition, six allelic identity predictors (AIP) were also compared in this study to determine which one performed best in theory and application. A criterion based on a simple measure of matrix distance was used to study the relation between LD and allelic identity prediction when using haplotypes. The consistency of this criterion with the accuracy of QTL localization, another criterion commonly used to compare AIP, was evaluated on a set of real chromosomes. For this set of chromosomes, the criterion was consistent with the mapping accuracy of a simulated QTL with either low or high effect. As measured by the matrix distance, the best AIP for QTL mapping were those that best captured LD between a tested position and a QTL. Moreover the matrix distance between a tested position and a QTL was shown to decrease for some AIP when LD increased. However, the matrix distance for AIP with continuous predictions in the [0,1] interval was algebraically proven to decrease less rapidly up to a lower bound with increasing LD in the simplest situations, than the discrete predictor based on identity by state between haplotypes (IBS hap), for which there was no lower bound. The expected LD between haplotypes at a tested position and alleles at a QTL is a quantity that increases naturally when the tested position gets closer to the QTL. This behavior was demonstrated with pig and unrelated human chromosomes. When the density of markers is high, and therefore LD between adjacent loci can be assumed to be high, the discrete predictor IBS hap is recommended since it predicts allele identity correctly when taking LD into account

    La santé psychologique au travail : conceptualisation, instrumentation et facteurs organisationnels de développement

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    Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Machine Learning Prediction of Crossbred Pig Feed Efficiency and Growth Rate From Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms

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    This research assessed the ability of a Support Vector Machine (SVM) regression model to predict pig crossbred (CB) performance from various sources of phenotypic and genotypic information for improving crossbreeding performance at reduced genotyping cost. Data consisted of average daily gain (ADG) and residual feed intake (RFI) records and genotypes of 5,708 purebred (PB) boars and 5,007 CB pigs. Prediction models were fitted using individual PB genotypes and phenotypes (trn.1); genotypes of PB sires and average of CB records per PB sire (trn.2); and individual CB genotypes and phenotypes (trn.3). The average of CB offspring records was the trait to be predicted from PB sire’s genotype using cross-validation. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were ranked based on the Spearman Rank correlation with the trait. Subsets with an increasing number (from 50 to 2,000) of the most informative SNPs were used as predictor variables in SVM. Prediction performance was the median of the Spearman correlation (SC, interquartile range in brackets) between observed and predicted phenotypes in the testing set. The best predictive performances were obtained when sire phenotypic information was included in trn.1 (0.22 [0.03] for RFI with SVM and 250 SNPs, and 0.12 [0.05] for ADG with SVM and 500–1,000 SNPs) or when trn.3 was used (0.29 [0.16] with Genomic best linear unbiased prediction (GBLUP) for RFI, and 0.15 [0.09] for ADG with just 50 SNPs). Animals from the last two generations were assigned to the testing set and remaining animals to the training set. Individual’s PB own phenotype and genotype improved the prediction ability of CB offspring of young animals for ADG but not for RFI. The highest SC was 0.34 [0.21] and 0.36 [0.22] for RFI and ADG, respectively, with SVM and 50 SNPs. Predictive performance using CB data for training leads to a SC of 0.34 [0.19] with GBLUP and 0.28 [0.18] with SVM and 250 SNPs for RFI and 0.34 [0.15] with SVM and 500 SNPs for ADG. Results suggest that PB candidates could be evaluated for CB performance with SVM and low-density SNP chip panels after collecting their own RFI or ADG performances or even earlier, after being genotyped using a reference population of CB animals.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Feature Selection Stability and Accuracy of Prediction Models for Genomic Prediction of Residual Feed Intake in Pigs Using Machine Learning

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    Feature selection (FS, i.e., selection of a subset of predictor variables) is essential in high-dimensional datasets to prevent overfitting of prediction/classification models and reduce computation time and resources. In genomics, FS allows identifying relevant markers and designing low-density SNP chips to evaluate selection candidates. In this research, several univariate and multivariate FS algorithms combined with various parametric and non-parametric learners were applied to the prediction of feed efficiency in growing pigs from high-dimensional genomic data. The objective was to find the best combination of feature selector, SNP subset size, and learner leading to accurate and stable (i.e., less sensitive to changes in the training data) prediction models. Genomic best linear unbiased prediction (GBLUP) without SNP pre-selection was the benchmark. Three types of FS methods were implemented: (i) filter methods: univariate (univ.dtree, spearcor) or multivariate (cforest, mrmr), with random selection as benchmark; (ii) embedded methods: elastic net and least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) regression; (iii) combination of filter and embedded methods. Ridge regression, support vector machine (SVM), and gradient boosting (GB) were applied after pre-selection performed with the filter methods. Data represented 5,708 individual records of residual feed intake to be predicted from the animal’s own genotype. Accuracy (stability of results) was measured as the median (interquartile range) of the Spearman correlation between observed and predicted data in a 10-fold cross-validation. The best prediction in terms of accuracy and stability was obtained with SVM and GB using 500 or more SNPs [0.28 (0.02) and 0.27 (0.04) for SVM and GB with 1,000 SNPs, respectively]. With larger subset sizes (1,000–1,500 SNPs), the filter method had no influence on prediction quality, which was similar to that attained with a random selection. With 50–250 SNPs, the FS method had a huge impact on prediction quality: it was very poor for tree-based methods combined with any learner, but good and similar to what was obtained with larger SNP subsets when spearcor or mrmr were implemented with or without embedded methods. Those filters also led to very stable results, suggesting their potential use for designing low-density SNP chips for genome-based evaluation of feed efficiency.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Le lien entre les facteurs individuels, le port d’armes à feu et l’utilisation criminelle d’armes à feu

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    Ce mémoire de maîtrise vise à identifier les liens réels et artificiels entre les facteurs individuels et l’utilisation criminelle d’armes à feu. Plus spécifiquement, ce mémoire vise à identifier les liens directs et indirects entre les caractéristiques individuelles des délinquants les plus susceptibles d’utiliser criminellement leurs armes à feu lorsque le port d’armes à feu est intégré comme variable médiatrice. Pour ce faire, des analyses de régression logistique sont effectuées sur un échantillon de 235 délinquants auprès desquels un sondage a été réalisé. Trois analyses de régression logistique ont été effectuées afin de statuer sur la présence d’un effet médiateur du port d’armes à feu : d’abord, entre les caractéristiques individuelles et l’utilisation criminelle d’armes à feu, ensuite entre les caractéristiques individuelles et le port d’armes à feu et, finalement, entre les caractéristiques individuelles et l’utilisation criminelle d’armes à feu lorsque contrôlé par le port d’armes à feu. Les résultats d’analyses de régression logistique révèlent que le port d’armes à feu agit comme variable médiatrice auprès de la vente de cocaïne, de la consommation d’alcool, d’avoir déjà été la cible d’un coup de feu et du port d’armes à feu par les pairs. Les liens entre ces facteurs et l’utilisation criminelle d’armes à feu sont donc indirects, sauf pour le port d’armes à feu par les pairs qui conserve des liens à la fois directs et indirects avec l’utilisation criminelle d’armes à feu. Par contre, les analyses de régression logistique révèlent également des changements dans les liens entre la consommation de cannabis et l’utilisation criminelle d’armes à feu ainsi qu’entre le risque perçu d’être la cible d’un coup de feu de la part d’un policier et l’utilisation criminelle d’armes à feu lorsque contrôlé par le port d’armes à feu. Il est donc possible que le port d’armes à feu ait un rôle de modérateur auprès de ces variables. Ainsi, il agirait comme médiateur pour certaines variables et comme modérateur pour d’autres. Ces résultats appuient l’importance d’avoir une approche intégrative de la perspective situationnelle et des prédispositions individuelles, car certaines relations sont devenues statistiquement significatives seulement une fois que le port d’armes à feu est intégré dans les analyses, alors que d’autres se sont vu être grandement modifiées.This memoire aims to identify the real and artificial links between individual factors and the criminal use of firearms. More specifically, this memoire aims to identify the direct and indirect links between the individual characteristics of the offenders most likely to criminally use their firearms when the carrying of firearms is integrated as a mediating variable. Logistic regression analyzes are performed on a sample of 235 offenders from whom a survey was conducted. Three logistic regression analyzes were conducted to determine the presence of a mediating effect of the carrying of firearms: first, between individual characteristics and the criminal use of firearms, then between individual characteristics and the carrying of firearms and, ultimately, between individual characteristics and the criminal use of firearms when controlled by the carrying of firearms. Logistic regression results show that carrying a firearm acts as a mediating variable for cocaine sales, alcohol consumption, having been shot at and firearms carrying by peers. The links between these factors and the criminal use of firearms are therefore indirect, except for the carrying of firearms by peers who maintain both direct and indirect links to the criminal use of firearms. However, logistic regression analyzes also reveal changes in the links between cannabis use and the criminal use of firearms, as well as in the perceived risk of being shot at by a police officer and the criminal use of firearms when controlled by the carrying of firearms. It is therefore possible that the carrying of firearms has a moderating role with these variables. Thus, firearm carrying would act as a mediator for some variables and as moderator for others. These results support the importance of having an integrative approach to the situational perspective and individual predispositions, as some relationships have become statistically significant only once the carrying of firearms is incorporated into the analyzes, while others have been greatly modified
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